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Wednesday Frosted Flakes: Bouncing Back from Disappointment

Patrick Gorski-USA TODAY Sports

The disappointment from the amount of times I have let myself down by not doing what I was supposed to, or ignoring my personal goals should completely overshadow what I feel from Husker Football. Letting a loss sour my mood for more than the one night is not rational. Then again, when have fan(atic)s ever been rational? I do not think our fandom is unique in any way but getting over a loss is hard every week.

If I had to make an analogy, it would be where you lose track of the amount of drinks you have Friday night. Wake up Saturday so hungover that you can hardly function. Swear up and down Sunday to never drink again. A week later the Huskers are losing to Ohio State and you decide drinking the rest of the gin is a good idea. Oh, how the Huskers can pull me back in week after week.

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