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Turkey Flakes: Special Big Cat Edition

Photo by Jorge Lemus/NurPhoto via Getty Images

What are you thankful for today?

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Corn Nation! We all hope you enjoy the clippings I have for you below while you’re hiding in the bathroom or random room by yourself to escape your crazy uncle/pesky in-laws/obnoxious sibling. Of course, here is also hoping this finds you enjoying the company of loved ones and partaking in the quintessential American holiday that is celebrating the bounty this great country has provided for us all since the first Thanksgiving the Pilgrims celebrated. And I’m sure plenty of you reading this are like me, and are one of the more than 10 million Americans today who can trace the family tree back to the Pilgrims who fled persecution for a better life in the “new world.” I mention all this, with the focus on why we celebrate the holiday by the way.

So what are we all thankful for as individuals? Well, to be honest, this year in particular I’m thankful for the perspective that I’m here and overall can consider myself healthy. I won’t wax melodramatic on a happy holiday like this too much, but I say this because not too many weeks ago Cassius Winston of MSU basketball lost one of his younger brothers to suicide. It strikes home for me as I’ve known more than one person in my life to have committed suicide. That includes a relative who is a graduate of Albion College where Zachary Winston attended, and where he just a few short weeks ago took his own life. So I merely mention this as it’s what’s on my mind, and what I find myself thankful for this year. I’m here. I am overall a healthy person, including mentally. No matter what other complaints I have (probably more than I should let myself focus on at times), I have the most important things in my life going for me. I have a supportive spouse and family, a roof over my head, food on the table, and of course a little ball of fur in the form of a happy beagle. What more could I possibly need?

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