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Through these gates…

Ok, I need to get this off of my chest. When Scott was hired it felt like the fan base was finally moving in the same direction for the first time since 97. No, the results with Frost haven’t been there yet and honestly they may never be…

The problem is (and Frost mentioned this is his radio appearance this week) is this place is a giant f’ing fishbowl. Not only is it a fishbowl, the fish are staring at alley cats constantly pawing at the bowl just waiting for a fish to swim to the top so they can eat it.

Yes this happens at major universities across the country but aren’t we supposed to be better? Our fishbowl is smaller and the alley cats are hungrier and frankly irrational at times. Frost is going to make mistakes and his ego has been part of the problem at times. But shit, he’s only be a head coach for a few years. Saban had shit teams for a long time before he figured it out. Dr Tom was given a damn muscle car for gods sake. This program is fractured in so many ways and has to be repaired Brock by brick. It’s going to take time and frankly it may never look like it did. As a fan base we need to start pulling together and stop acting like an entitled bunch of assholes. I keep hearing people make fun of IA state, IA, Northwestern, etc… I would love to Hemingway them right now! If not we should change the signs to:

Through these gates walk the most conceited delusional fans in college football.

Also, bring back the real Herbie!

Edit to add:
No the “fans” aren’t the only problem… Not sure I stated anywhere that it’s all on us. No we didn’t create any turnovers or recruit any players. However, this fan base at times is incredibly toxic! Chill the F out and let’s stop clamoring to fire coaches! How has the revolving door of coaches worked for us? How did Frank do after he got fired, how about us? Billy C could recruit and had some good offenses, the D was the problem. Let me ask you, would you rather have that problem in college football 2020? What about Bo? He wore everyone thin but he won… How about hip hip hooray Mike? Are we better now than then? The point is we’re acting like the all state high school QB who peaked in 12th grade and still feels like he’s king shit even though he hasn’t done anything personally or professionally since. Maybe we need an intervention from the few friends we have left and re-evaluate our life choices… Let’s help re-build this house that we helped light on fire. Brick by brick, not coach by coach…

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