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Theory Test: B12 Drop-Off

When Nebraska left the B12, we were a 9/10 win team. Kept it up until Riley, and we all know where we are now. Missouri had a similar drop off in wins after their move to the SEC, and Texas A&M sort of less so. Never immediate, but pretty pronounced after a few years. I don’t care about CU, they’ve always sucked.

With TX/OU moving to the SEC, we’re getting the chance to see if the B12 drop off continues to be a thing. My theory: The B12 football product is actually pretty bad and lets above avg. teams look like top 15 teams by comparison. Hence why OU always loses in the 1st round of the CFP, hence why Texas keeps losing to Maryland/TCU/ISU, and why the B12 didn’t even get a spot in the CFP in 2020.

But I’m interested to hear what other Husker fans think about the competition in the B12 vs other conferences.

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