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Rewatching all of last years games on a binge. Some take aways as we head into fall practice.

1st, Newsome was a lot worse than I expected. Hartzog made a ton of blunders but Newsome wasn't as lock down as I was expecting he let a lot of big plays go over his head.

2nd, Gifford is elite, he is honestly my vote for our best defensive player. Dude is all over the field.

3rd, Tommy Hill was our best CB last year and it wasn't really close… I know a lot of people are scared about CB this year but after watching it having Hill on the 1's and someone else on the 2's might be a blessing for Nebraska in disguise. I like Newsome but he got burned a lot and he wasn't fast enough to keep up.

4th, Our D-Line is hit or miss, it feels like sometimes they can blow up the back field in 2 seconds flat or they never get to the QB forcing the CB's to cover for a long time.

5th, Haarberg needs to find his way onto the field. Rather if it's a trick play TE or H-Back he needs to find the field. He has elite leg speed for his size. I think Raiola will be QB1 but Haarberg should get some plays with him and Raiola on the field and maybe some wildcat packages.

6th, If Erving can stay healthy and return to even 90% of himself he's gonna have a big year even as RB2. He didn't seem to have insane top end speed but his burst of speed was fantastic he could hit a hole and go.

7th, god it was miserable watching the turnovers. The amount of turnovers don't do it justice there were so many more fumbles that we dropped that we got lucky and fell on. It could've been ALOT worse and it was all over the field. Kick returns, Punt returns, hand offs, strips, INT's, etc. It's hard for me to say we were the better team in most our games but honestly… we stop screwing around and we'd of won 9 games last year.

8th, Bulter was very underrated last year and we kinda just ignored him because Hash and Ty but Bulter is better than Ty in my opinion and might be better than Nash too.

9th, Lenhardt and Princewell are gonna be special players.

10th, Fidone might actually be one of the best TE's in the nation. He was open a lot but the QB's couldn't make the passes, I could see him in the NFL next year.

11th, Purdy was honestly the best QB we had last year. Haarberg was a fantastic playmaker but Purdy was the best overall QB had good legs and a… arm i guess. Purdy's mistakes seem to come from lack of reps and an injury.

12th, There was a lot of reffing that was 50/50 that didn't fall our way that honestly… should've Ervings TD against Min, Purdy's fumble "pass" that was deemed a fumble.

13th, Our defensive special teams was elite but we need to work on our offensive special teams.

14th. our defense caused a lot more fumbles than I remember but we just never could get on them.

15th, God I was hoping Kemp would redeem himself as I watched him but he was pretty bad. I thought maybe it was the QB play but he was just getting lite up and didn't have the speed or strength to create anything. His route running was decent atleast but man the coaches tired so hard to get him involved and he just couldn't.

16th, Just let Alvano kick all the 45+ yard FG's and leave the rest to the other FG kickers lol. Not to say Alvano is money from 45 but he has an amazing leg when it comes to power.

17th, it's crazy how many fumbles we had that were just…. self inflicted i've never seen anything like it before.

18th, god watching some of these games makes me stomach turn. The ending against Iowa… all we had to do was not turn the ball over and we had the spot to hit the winner, it wasn't likely but man. Just rough games.

19th, The Nebraska vs Michigan State game was rough reffing might've been one of the worst of the season.

20th, it's crazy how we did ANYTHING on offense with how many players were in the box and how many injuries we had. I was rewatching and even with Purdy every team was DARING us to throw it.

final comments – I think we'll be pretty good this year.

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