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Our glory days are in the past…maybe forever.

I’m not going into a long diatribe, but look at it this way:

In the 90’s, NU’s football program was one of a kind. The strength and conditioning, the meal planning, the disregard for having “academic all Americans, maybe even the under the table recruiting. We offered what very few, if any, other programs did.

Fast forward to 2020. The college football landscape has caught up with us. Who the hell would want to go to NEBRASKA for college when you have programs in other, more exciting areas that will give you an off campus life that matches on campus. How do you look at offers from Nebraska, Miami, Texas, California, etc. and choose to go freeze your ass off in the middle of nowhere? Do you think any of these high school kids know who Tommie Frazier was or care about our “sellout” streak? No. They want fun and sun with their football.

I’m a giant Husker football fan. Closet full of gear, I’m watching every game. Former season ticket holder. That being said, our glory days are gone. It’s not Scott’s fault. We just got left behind.

I’m wide open to discussion on this if I’m way off base.

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