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Nebraska VS CU (9/7)

Coming into town from Houston, Texas with my parents and uncles. We are all lifelong husker fans, me being born and raised as a husker fan! I lived in omaha for 8 years and always watched every game with my dad. We went to Nebraska VS CU game last year and endured the worst experience we could have ever imagined, from being heckled for the 3-4 hours that we were there to people saying horrible things to my mom and sister who were minding their own business, at one point my sister was scared to even go to the restroom by herself so 3 of us had to escort her to the bathroom. With that being said we are excited to be in Lincoln this time and looking to find a tailgate spot. Does anyone have any parking spots or tickets open? or is the best thing to do is bar hop on Haymarket? We submitted a form for blur tailgate but have not heard back from them. Please leave any suggestions you have! Cant wait to be back and see the skers whoop on some buffalo ass! GBR

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