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Nebraska Not Even Listed In The Biggest Rivalries In College Football

Only time and patience are gonna change the current state of things…

Below is a survey currently being done by our mothership,, about what everyone thinks is the biggest college football rivalry.

Notice that Nebraska is nowhere on this list. There’s no Nebraska vs. Oklahoma. There is no Nebraska vs. Wisconsin. There’s not even a Nebraska vs. Iowa, even though that concept might generate a lot of web hits due to blasphemy. I find it rather ironic that that biggest argument against Iowa being a rival is that rivalries are supposed to “take time to develop” and “be organic and not forced”, while at the same time Nebraskan fans accepted Wisconsin as a rival without any hesitation whatsoever.

I hate to turn this into a rivalry article, but we have been asked to share the survey to get as many results as possible. It kind of lends itself to the subject without a lot of work.

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