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Nebraska Football Recruiting: Friday Night Lights #1 Cancelled Due To Weather

A loud clap of thunder was all it took to call quits on the first of two FNL Camps.

Jon said I need to introduce myself as I am a new writer here at our beloved CornNation. Yes I am one of the people who responded to the “Help Wanted” sign, but joke is on you all since I am not even good at writing. I am 22 and currently a student at UNL, and have been in the stadium for almost every home game the better part of seven years. I will be doing some things here and there with my main focus on writing from the perspective of the student body and student section. You’ll see what I mean in the next coming weeks. Feel free to tell me to get off your lawn anytime you want.

The day started out hot and sunny as the fans came and participated in the Fan Fest set up just outside of the Nebraska’s Memorial Stadium. They had a classic grill out going along with vendors such as Valentino’s and Chick Fil A a handing out food as you walked up to them. Interesting to note that Chick Fil A a was placed right besides Valentino’s (Future chicken of the Huskers?). The turn out was OK with what it looked like a couple hundred people showing up.

Zachary Grunder

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