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Nebraska Football (@HuskerFootball) on X (walk through room)

Ohio St fan here, came to your sub to see more shit about it but saw it wasn't posted here. You guys need to know about this because its fucking bad ass and is a game changer and is going to start an arms race to building rooms like this across the nation.

Driving to work this morning and I wanted to listen to something different so I turned on a podcast. I was listening to the zach smith (yes the old ex WR coach from OSU) podcast and he brought this up ( he speaks very highly of the program and what Rhule might potentially be able to do there)

They call it a walk through room because a player can literally walk through a practice. The mental reps a player can get through this is insane . Like a mike LB can line up and have practice film of a life size offense in front of them. They can go through all their keys and what not. The room and the turf field floor allows them to move any which way so they can practice every aspect of their drops or gap responsibilities. Same with WR, they can line up and see a defense like they would on a field and they can get better at recognizing coverages and hot reads.

Smith believes this 100% shows that the program is supporting Rhule. Giving him the funding he wants and giving him support to try new things that are different. I bet you by fall camp, you see rooms like this popping up at other major programs.

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