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Mayor Accuses Council Minority of Being Anti-Growth

Democrat Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler is stepping up the war of words with some Republican city council members.

At a news conference Thursday Mayor Beutler complained that Council members Cyndi Lamm and Roy Christensen have always voted against the additional one percent budget authority with Councilman Jon Camp voting against it most of the time. Mayor Beutler says the additional one percent authority is the difference between reasonable growth and unacceptable stagnation. He adds that the Lancaster County Board has approved the same increase every year since 2003.

Mayor Beutler says he is also upset with some of the opposition to annexations..


Mayor Chris Beutler takes Lincoln City Councilman Roy Christensen to task for wanting to delay constructing a BioGas conversion facility. Mayor Beutler also says at Thursday’s news conference that the project needs to move forward.

The project converts waste gas generated at the city’s wastewater treatment plant into usable fuel. Mayor Beutler says that for the last 25 years, the city’s treatment plan has been using those waste gases to power generators that produce electricity…but he says those generators now need to be replaced.

Christensen has complained that council members weren’t involved enough in the process…and he also questioned the overall environmental benefits.


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