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Judge Rules University of Nebraska Must Turn over Frost Contract Metrics

From the Department of “Who Gives A Flying Fuck”, a Lincoln judge has ruled that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln must turn over the performance metrics of Scott Frost’s renegotiated contract. This ruling stems from a lawsuit filed by USA Today seeking said metrics, or basically, “What Scott Frost must do to keep his job”, a point which may seem moot now because the worst coach in University of Nebraska football has been fired.

So who cares?

Well, journalists such as those from USA Today care, because public universities are public entities and their employees’ contracts should be public knowledge. Those journalists don’t want a precedent to be set which would allow universities to hide relevant parts of contracts, such as “What Scott Frost had to do to keep his job”.

If you’re wondering why USA Today is doing this, it’s because no known Nebraska media bothered to sue on behalf of “journalism” because they were too busy looking the other way during the failed Scott Frost regime, otherwise known as “The reign of the worst head football coach in Nebraska school history”.

So, in a week we’re going to be treated to something like:

“Contract signee must at a minimum get the University of Nebraska football team to a bowl game” and we will all marvel at what a complete failure Scott Frost had become.

I guess we’ll be treated to Trev Alberts coming clean and stating it out loud:

And here’s more from Mitch Sherman:

The bar for success in 2022 and for Scott Frost to keep his job and be paid a lot of money was so ridiculously easy it is embarrassing that the University tried to hide it.

So… six wins in year five. Wow.

Why was this kept secret? Why did the university not want this out there?

Here’s a perspective.

Had Scott Frost made six wins, the university would have backed into a corner and been forced to pay more and retain a coach who:

  • Was allegedly too drunk to meet with a top recruit
  • Allegedly didn’t return recruiting calls
  • Showed up to practice late on a regular basis as noted in a video by Mike’l Severe that has since been taken down
  • Amongst a lot of other things we’ll never get a full story on because they would be too embarrassing to the Husker football program

Fred Hoiberg’s contract metrics were part of this lawsuit, but the university is not forced to reveal those metrics because they are apparently not written down. Lancaster County Judge Ryan Post offered the following excerpt in his decision regarding the lack of written records:
“Relator also suggests that a better business practice would be to put the metrics in writing. But it is not for the Court to decide in the case whether the Fred Hoiberg metrics should have been put in writing. The evidence showed no document or other public record in any form containing the Fred Hoiberg metrics exists and the Relator has not met its burden.”

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