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Jahmal Banks, breakdown and predictions.

I've been pretty active recently, a bit bored I suppose… Off season and all.

Anyways, I've looked over all of Jahmal Banks targets in the past 2 season. So, let me give you guys the breakdown.

Jahmal Banks is going to be WR1 on day one.

As a SO Jahmal Banks would go on to be the 2nd best WR at Wake on a very strong passing game, over 4k passing yards total. He'd get 9 TDs tying him for 2nd out of the WR's with 650ish yards placing him 2nd in WR yards. He was young but made a big impact as a RS SO.

As a JR Jahmal would see much improve in his stats and regressed in others, this was because Wake would lose their star QB Hartman and they would regress massively not even passing for over 2k yards. Despite that Jahmal did snag around 630 yards and 4 TDs. With Sam as his QB he would've been on pace to easily break 1k yards and likely would've put up 1.2-1.3k yards. But that is just "what ifs"

In 2023 despite poor QB play he didn't drop a single pass. In 2022 he was 5th in contested passed with 15-23 catches in the country, he was ranked 20th and 11th against man coverage in 2023 and 2022 via PFF. In 22' he was 5th in redzone catches.

So, what does this say about the type of player he is? Well, As a WR he's a true possession type WR if you're familiar with the term in games. He has a big body, good speed for his size, he can make catches and has fantastic ball skills. He's not likely to drop a pass if it touches his hands defender draped on him or not. He's fantastic at both the 1 and in the slot over the middle. He's gonna be a big target in the endzone along side a TE.

Now… what is some of the bad? Well, he's not gonna extend yards after the catch he's very much a catch and drop kinda WR. He's not a great route runner, he's good but he is stiff and not as fluid so he has to use his size and speed(which he's projected to have a high 4.5 speed) to create separation. This might make him struggle to get passes if his QB doesn't trust him to make a contested catch or just doesn't wanna thread the needle.

All in all my projection for him this season is 900 Yards Receiving and 11 TD's.

Let me know what you think of these breakdowns I have a couple more i'd love to do in the future if people are interested.

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