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Is Scott Frost actually on the hot seat this season?

The title. I’ve been a little unplugged because of covid disrupting the season last year, I didn’t follow cfb as much as I usually do. Coming into things this season, “people” have been talking about Scott being on the hot seat. Couple questions:

* do the fans actually feel like if he doesn’t perform this season he should be let go?

* does the movement with the AD suggest that higher ups at the university feel this way?

* is this just a talking point I’m seeing from media that aren’t actually plugged into Nebraska?

Curious to hear what you all think.

For what it’s worth, I feel like we really need to have stability and giving Scott to the end of his contract to do something just makes sense to me. The switching coaches every 3 – 4 seasons hasn’t worked for us. I do also get the sentiment of “if he hasn’t done it yet what makes people think he’ll do it in a year or two more?” But, meh, we’re bad and unless we hire Saban quality coaching I don’t see us turning it around “quickly”. Who the hell wants to come here and try to turn this thing around?

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