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Honest thoughts after Maryland(a good post somehow)

Hello Husker fans, I don’t normally do this thing but I think we need some light in what seems like a dimming candle for our bowl hopes.

I think there was a lot to like by this Nebraska team.

We know our Defense is elite this Maryland team is an elite offensive team. They might’ve ended up falling off a bit but they were still very good. It’s great that we were even in this game. I had this game pegged as our hardest chance to win. Maryland does something we are extremely weak at very well while also being a pretty decent defense to stop our offense.

Another thing is Chubba Purdy, Listen I GET IT he threw the INT that cost us the game. But MAN ON THAT DRIVE he looked very good. I loved what I saw from him. He looked smart on the field. Seemed to actually read what the defense was doing and while he’s not the run threat Simms and HH are. Even if he turns the ball over I might like him more because he opens up the run game because defenses have to defend the pass on him. Because he’s the best thrower of all 3. He also still had really shifty moves that I wasn’t expecting and he FOUGHT hard. I could go on and on and tbh, I still don’t know if that INT was completely on him. Seemed like a misunderstanding and it might take till Mondays press to figure it out.

EJ is him. My god I loved the way this kid runs. Give him 20 a game with Chubba in. I really believe they were a spark.

We match up well into Iowa and Wisc believe it or not. Both Iowa and Wisc are struggling offenses while Maryland is a good offense and an okay defense. On the flip side iowa and Wisc are prob the best 2 defenses we are gonna face. But we’re also gonna be the best defense they are gonna face. These battles might be real defensive battles I think the Wisc game is really winnable.

But let me bring us back to reality, yes there is a real shot we end this season 5-7. It’s sad but true, but now is the time to take risks. HH is banged up, Simms doesn’t deserve the chance anymore, give Chubba the shot because atleast if Chubba shows out the last 2 games vs decent defenses we might have something to be excited about even in losses and if Chubba fails then we except we had no one.

Also, another thing. I know people are defending Satt but I believe he’s not a great OC but I think he’s good enough to get us somewhere if our defense is good and our offense has some good skill positions.

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