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Frosted Flakes: Dirty 30s, Spanish Lessons and Dancing Salsa

Today is my birthday which is why I am doing flakes today instead of Thursday. I will be out in Medellin tonight celebrating with some expat friends. And before you get any ideas, no cocaine and prostitutes will be involved.

I do plan on exploring Medellin today, which I haven’t really done since I have arrived. The city itself is situated in the Aburra Valley with a population of around 4 million. You are surrounded by mountains on all sides which gives you plenty of great options to see the city from a variety of viewpoints. Medellin is also known for having the same temperatures pretty much all year round (ranging between 60-85 degrees) which is why it is called ‘The City of Eternal Spring.’

I’m planning to stay in Medellin for at least a few more weeks while I take private Spanish and salsa lessons. Yesterday, I had my first salsa class which was a blast and even better that I can have lessons at my AirBnb without having to commute to a dance studio. Let me know if you are curious how much the private Spanish and salsa classes cost in Medellin and I might post it below. Have you ever taken any dances classes before? If you could learn another foreign language, which one would be your top choice? I am looking forward to reading your responses below. Anyways onto Flakes.

Frosted Flakes

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