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Frost Talks on Culture and Resiliency Ahead of Wisconsin

NU Communications


NU Athletic Communications

Nebraska head coach Scott Frost met with members of the media following Thursday’s practice. Frost discussed the challenge of going against Wisconsin’s aggressive defense.
“Coach (Jim) Leonhard does a great job,” Frost said. “(Wisconsin) plays with an aggressive attitude. They are big. They are physical. They have a good player at every position. They are tough to sustain drives against. They mix it up a lot more than they have before, so they are hard to dial in. They know what they are doing. You have to go earn what you can get from them.”
Frost spoke highly of defensive coordinator, Erik Chinander, and the culture he has built.
“Chinander has done a great job,” he said. “That whole staff has done a great job. I think they are getting everything out the guys that they can right now. We have been really solid on that side of the ball. The best thing about that side of the ball is there is a culture of toughness and togetherness. He has done a good job establishing that and creating that and maintaining that. I am so glad those guys are here and they are going to keep working to keep getting even better.”
He also talked about the team’s resiliency.
“There is not a lot of quit in these guys,” Frost said. “I think that comes from relationships within the team. These guys are going to keep battling and they know how close they have been. They are excited about this game. It just speaks to the character of the players that we have and that has just continued to improve and get better. These guys will keep playing hard.”
The Huskers are set to play Wisconsin on Saturday, Nov. 20 at 2:30 p.m. in Madison, Wis. at Camp Randall Stadium. Radio coverage will be provided by Huskers Radio Network.

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