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Dirk: Loss #19


I feel like his correlation to loss #19 having a big impact on the program for each coach is a heck of a reach. But because it’s a reach, it shows it’s getting harder and harder to write about the program losing. What other storylines are there?


“So Nebraska waits, as long as it takes. Nebraska hopes, as long as it can. But there *is* a cost to this flurry of disappointments. Each makes it a little bit harder to tune in for the next one, and the next one, and the next one. Eventually Husker football just isn’t worth the emotional investment.”


I think this quote rings especially true for millennials and Gen Z. Millennials (I am one) are getting closer and closer to being done with the program until they actually show progress. How could any young teen care about Husker football when they’ve never seen it win at a high level? It’s like adopting the Jets or Browns as your favorite NFL team. It just ain’t gonna happen.

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