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Corn Flakes: University Orientation – Do Parents Need More Help Than Students?

I spent Saturday at Parent’s Orientation as I have one going to UMN. It was an… interesting day. That, and News!

Saturday was parent’s orientation at the University of Minnesota, given that I have a rotten kid who’s officially going there, I thought Mrs CN and I might as well find out what they’re all about. Normally at these things I sit toward the back and make comments that of course everybody finds amusing. I do this because I’m a really funny person and of course everyone else thinks so as well, all of the time, although I don’t get invited to many parties.

Saturday I did not do that as it was clear that there are a lot of parents that need a lot of help. There were primarily three parents who asked the most questions. One got the idea they could sit there and ask questions all day despite the fact that those questions were already answered, in most cases, by the large handbook that was given out when you walked into the session.

The rotten son has decided to change his major to math which is in the College of Science and Engineering (CSE). He had previously been in the College of Design because he was interested in Architecture. Mrs. CN attended the session for the College of Design while I stayed with the College of Science and Engineering people.

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