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A Sad Day For a Husker Family

My family was born and raised in Nebraska. Both parents went to UNL as did I. I was at every single game in the 90s. 94 game vs Kordell Stewart, Rashaan Salam, and Michael Westbrook. I was at all 3 championships in Miami, AZ and Miami.

I saw Eric Crouch’s catch in Memorial stadium vs OU in 2001. I was in the endzone of Missouri during “The Catch” in 97 with Frost and Davison.

I’ve kinda checked out a long time ago, but I woke up today to my dad posting this on his facebook. My dad was a former diehard husker fan until today. He inherited season tickets from a family friend way back in the 70s and has kept them …until today.

> I was taught many years ago not to say anything today that I might regret tomorrow. Hopefully I’m sticking to the advice. I was raised in a very anti sports family! It was quite early in life though that I began to develop a love for football which led me to become a huge sports fan of most University of Nebraska sports teams.

> I attended my first Husker football game when I was in junior high after being invited by our neighbor. It took awhile for my parents to allow me to make the 100 mile trip one way to Lincoln just to watch a football game. When I was getting ready for high school I begged my parents to allow me to play the one spot I was falling in love with, but…. They finally agreed, and allowed me to play my senior year. Yes, I did play in jr varsity and some varsity games! (I also convinced them to allow me to run track three seasons)

> There were two football seasons between high school graduation and my first year at UNL, but I was able to attend all of Nebraska’s home games those two seasons. One of my favorite ways of entering Memorial Stadium was crawling under the chain link fence, without being caught, that was at the south end of the stadium. After becoming a UNL student I attended every home game for the next 41 years in addition to quite a few away games.

> .I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. Later it became mandatory by my wife for me to miss a game because of a required business trip for her AND me? I missed a couple more games through the years later and before moving from NE to CA five football seasons ago. The first four seasons in CA I attended four games in Lincoln each season. I lived it, breathed it and loved it. I do not play the age game and approximately 16 years ago I stopped maturing (aging).

> I don’t know what it’s like to be a Cubs, Saints, Falcons or Cowboys fan and ‘seldom’ win a championship, but I’m moving on without any personal regrets. It’s been great with many many fond memories, but no looking back. I’m sharing this lengthy and boring post simply to say, “If you’re interested in five season tickets in the west stadium contact me before I turn them back to UNL!” We have kept our two season volleyball tickets because we found a couple who wants to purchase them from us each year. We are happy to do that for football too if you’re interested.

I know it’s a meme that REAL Husker fans will always believe. And fake fans can move on. Well, trust me, my dad who is 70 is/was a REAL fan. He donated probably tens if not hundreds of thousands to the University via tuition and booster support. He’s always been positive and still not that “critical” now; he’s just tired and can’t muster up the support anymore.

Sad day for this Husker family.

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