Stories By Big-Red-Husker
/ 3 years agoDoes anyone feel like Scott Frost failed Adrian?
1620 is discussing this right now. I strongly feel Frost completely failed Adrian. I strongly feel Adrian would have had much...
/ 3 years agoRumor mill – Nebraska has reached out to Bill O’Brien
No source, just seems to be a lot of talk View Reddit by Big-Red-Husker – View Source
/ 3 years agoNebraska is currently in a no win situation with Frost and why the best course of action is to fire him. From someone who doesn’t necessarily want him fired yet.
Frost has to realize changes have to be made, from Martinez to almost his entire offensive coaching staff. The problem is...
/ 3 years agoI realized that I received my wish. Under Bo I just wanted us to to be competitive in big games
Well we’re completive now. Fucking monkeys paw. View Reddit by Big-Red-Husker – View Source
/ 3 years agoI get to take my 7 year old daughter to her first Husker game vs Michigan. Question though
Coming from out of town, scored free nosebleed tickets south stadium. I hope to be in Lincoln at least 2 hours...
/ 4 years agoNow that it’s obvious were stuck in sub mediocrity purgatory forever, what mediocre season are you willing to relive again and again?
Now that it’s obvious were stuck in sub mediocrity purgatory forever, what mediocre season are you willing to relive again and...
/ 4 years agoHow much of your enthusiasm for the entire season is riding on this weekend’s game?
How much of your enthusiasm for the entire season is riding on this weekend’s game? View Reddit by Big-Red-Husker – View...
You are now the Big 10 commissioner, what do you starting now
1. Conference deflation – Maryland and Rutgers are immediately kicked out, lawsuits be damned. I would personally want to keep it...
If there was any chance to get Oklahoma to join the Big 10 instead of the SEC but it meant Texas had to follow would you want that
If there was any chance to get Oklahoma to join the Big 10 instead of the SEC but it meant Texas...
/ 4 years agoLet’s excorcize this seasons demons, remove any and all bad juju, by posting your least favorite Husker memory
Ill start. Being in prevent defense and having Virginia Tech still burn us on a Hail Mary. View Reddit by Big-Red-Husker...